David E. Eagle, Ph.D.

David E. Eagle, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Professor of Global Health and Sociology

Duke Global Health Institute

Department of Sociology

Duke University


I am an Assistant Research Professor of Global Health and Sociology. I lead the Religion and Social Change Lab (RaSCL) RaSCL. RaSCL is a team of researchers and practitioners who use the tools of social science to deepen understanding, spark conversations, and develop resources for the training and formation of faith leaders and their communities. We work collaboratively with the Duke Clergy Health Initiative (CHI) to promote clergy well-being across the lifecycle and shifting cultural landscapes.

I am an expert on the health of religious clergy, the changing role of churches in North American society and the implications of these trends for the professional training of ministers. I have done significant work on burnout, depression and social support. A major strand of my research explores how structural racism impacts the experience of Black clergy.

I am Principal Investigator of The Seminary to Early Ministry Study, a multi-year, multi-cohort study seeking to understand how seminary impacts the health, occupational wellbeing, theology, and career trajectories of students.

Methodologically, I am skilled in the collection and analysis of survey data, including longitudinal and social network data.

My research is published in the American Journal of Sociology, the Journal of Religion and Health, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Social Networks, the Journal of Social History, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, and the Review of Religious Research.

Download my C.V. here .

  • Theological Education
  • Clergy Health and Wellbeing
  • The Social Organization of North American Religion
  • Racial Inequality in Religious Organizations
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • PhD in Sociology, 2015

    Duke University

  • MA in Sociology, 2012

    Duke University

  • Th.M., 2009

    Duke Divinity School

  • M.Div., 2002

    Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary

  • B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, 1997

    University of Alberta
